Access Keys:

St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena


September 2015 November 2015
Thursday, 1st October 2015
Violin/Viola tuition (10.15 am)
After Schools Clubs (Creative Club with Mrs Logan and ICT club with Mrs Marron from 3 to 4pm)
Friday, 2nd October 2015
Mark (Community Sports Coach) for PE support (remember your P.E kit!)
Monday, 5th October 2015
Eoin Gribben (Ulster Council) for P.E. support
Tuesday, 6th October 2015
P7 Brain Gym (3 to 4pm)
Wednesday, 7th October 2015
Woody in for P.E. support (Hurling for P3, 6 and 7)
After Schools Hurling (3 to 4pm. Bring your own hurl and helmet; school can provide for those who do not have their own)
P4&5 Swimming (£3 per session to cover bus and coaches)
Thursday, 8th October 2015
After Schools Clubs (Creative Club with Mrs Logan and ICT club with Mrs Marron from 3 to 4pm)
Violin/Viola tuition (10.15 am)
Friday, 9th October 2015
Mark (Community Sports Coach) for PE support (remember your P.E kit!)
Monday, 12th October 2015
Eoin Gribben (Ulster Council) for P.E. support
Tuesday, 13th October 2015
P7 Brain Gym (3 to 4pm)
Wednesday, 14th October 2015
P4&5 Swimming (£3 per session to cover bus and coaches)
Woody in for P.E. support (Hurling for P3, 6 and 7)
After Schools Hurling (3 to 4pm. Bring your own hurl and helmet; school can provide for those who do not have their own)
Thursday, 15th October 2015
After Schools Clubs (Creative Club with Mrs Logan and ICT club with Mrs Marron from 3 to 4pm)
Violin/Viola tuition (10.15 am)
Friday, 16th October 2015
Cauldron Trick or Treat deadline
Credit Union art competition deadline (Forms to be completed by parents)
Mark (Community Sports Coach) for PE support (remember your P.E kit!)
Monday, 19th October 2015
Milk money due for period to Christmas
Eoin Gribben (Ulster Council) for P.E. support
Tuesday, 20th October 2015
meet diane
P7 Brain Gym (3 to 4pm)
Wednesday, 21st October 2015
P6&7 Hurlathon (Thank you for your generous support)
After Schools Hurling (3 to 4pm. Bring your own hurl and helmet; school can provide for those who do not have their own)
Woody in for P.E. support (Hurling for P3, 6 and 7)
P4&5 Swimming (£3 per session to cover bus and coaches)
Thursday, 22nd October 2015
Tempest School Photographs order deadline (All orders and money to be sent to class teacher in envelope provided)
Violin/Viola tuition (10.15 am)
After Schools Clubs (Creative Club with Mrs Logan and ICT club with Mrs Marron from 3 to 4pm)
Friday, 23rd October 2015
Milk order (to be return to school )
Hallowe'en Disco (6 to 8pm. All primary school children welcome. Entrance: £2 per child; £5 per family)
Mark (Community Sports Coach) for PE support (remember your P.E kit!)
Monday, 26th October 2015
Eoin Gribben (Ulster Council) for P.E. support
Parent Interviews (SCHOOL CLOSES AT 2PM FOR ALL PUPILS. Times as arranged by your child's teacher)
Tuesday, 27th October 2015
P7 Brain Gym (2 to 3pm)
Parent Interviews (SCHOOL CLOSES AT 2PM FOR ALL PUPILS. Times as arranged by your child's teacher)
Wednesday, 28th October 2015
Thursday, 29th October 2015
Friday, 30th October 2015