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St Anneโ€™s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena


27th Jun 2024
P1 & 2 had an end of year party today as a reward for all of their hard work,...
27th Jun 2024
As you can see the boys and girls thoroughly enjoyed their school trip on Tuesday...
26th Jun 2024
We have had a very busy end to term 3 in P1&2, between our school trip, Sports...
26th Jun 2024
A massive well done to our P1 and 2 Pupils of the Week๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ You have been working...
21st Jun 2024
Everyone in P1 and 2 would like to say goodbye to our Primary 7 pupils. Our P7s have...
21st Jun 2024
21st Jun 2024
We had a great day celebrating our P7 pupils today.
21st Jun 2024
A massive well done to this week’s Pupils of the Week. You have all been working...
20th Jun 2024