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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

πŸ™‚ More Home Learning from P1/2 πŸ™‚

13th Jan 2021

Some more of our fabulous P1 and P2 pupils got in touch today to say hello and keep us up to date with what they've been getting up to.  Although they're all missing school and their friends they are keeping busy with their home learning! 

Here we have a video from an enthusiastic Jamie practising his Jolly Phonic songs with his little brother and also some great shots of him gardening and attending to his book work!  Also pictured is Aria, busy practising her weekly spellings, all with a cheerful smile on her face!  Next up we have a very happy Cillian, who has been working hard on making sets of 6 to reinforce his numeracy, while also making time for his important daily exercise! 

Look at all those bright and smiling faces!  The boys and girls have also been engaging in their online learning and have been enjoying the lively and energetic Mr Mc!   

Thank you for keeping in touch, keep smiling and keep up the brilliant work πŸ™‚