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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena


2015/2016 School Year

1st Jun 2016
P3's thoroughly enjoyed their swimming lessons at the Joey Dunlop Centre this term....
1st Jun 2016
P3's have been learning all about measuring.
31st May 2016
P7 from Knockahollet came to St. Anne's today to begin our Sentinus Smart Energy...
10th May 2016
P6/7 have been learning about fractions. They can find equivalent fractions, simplify...
10th May 2016
As P7 pupils are away on their residential trip, P5 joined P6 for lessons today....
6th May 2016
The following pictures show the P1s and P2s developing their maths skills in a very...
6th May 2016
P1 and P2 are making the most of this recent sunny spell by brushing up on their...