2016/2017 School Year
26th May 2017
St Anne's PTA wish to thank everyone who participated in the Smartie tube competition....
26th May 2017
Our proud pupils of the week- well done to all!
26th May 2017
Four of our pupils participated in Joey Dunlop's annual swimming gala on Wednesday...
19th May 2017
St Anne's hurlers and camogs were in action over the last two Fridays in the annual...
18th May 2017
Sadly, our shared residential with Knockahollet P.S. has come to an end. The children...
17th May 2017
St Anne's and Knockahollet Primary 7s have had a wonderful time together on their...
8th May 2017
P1, P2 and P3 take their play based learning outside to enjoy the sunshine.
St Anne's Primary School, Reservoir Rd, Corkey, Ballymena BT44 9JE Phone: 028 2764 1429