2018/2019 School Year
20th May 2019
On Friday the children brought buckets to school and helped to move the wood chip...
17th May 2019
P7 have been taking part in the Cycling Proficiency Scheme instructed by Miss Niamh...
17th May 2019
The Primary 3 and 4 children had the opportunity to join Knockahollet Primary School...
17th May 2019
The Primary 7 children have just returned from another excellent residential trip...
17th May 2019
The girls from P5-7 enjoyed a great day in Loughgiel playing in the annual Cumann...
17th May 2019
Our P5-7 hurlers, including some new recruits, enjoyed taking part in the annual...
15th May 2019
Congratulations to all our pupils of the week. Keep up the good work!
13th May 2019
P1, P2 and P3 launched their daily mile on Thursday. We're delighted to report that...
9th May 2019
Alex and Dave from RNLI came to visit us last week. They provided the pupils with...
St Anne's Primary School, Reservoir Rd, Corkey, Ballymena BT44 9JE Phone: 028 2764 1429