Access Keys:

St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena


2019/2020 School Year

11th Dec 2019
Huge thanks to Aria’s mum who called in with us last week to read a lovely...
6th Dec 2019
P3/4 have been learning about 3D shapes. The children had great fun building some...
5th Dec 2019
Our P5, P6 and P7 Cross Country Runners went to the University of Ulster at Coleraine...
5th Dec 2019
A huge congratulations to our Pupils of the Week. At today's assembly we had special...
5th Dec 2019
Today we got to enjoy our lovely Christmas dinner. All of the children thoroughly...
3rd Dec 2019
We have been learning all about shape in P1 and P2. We learned all about 2D shape,...
3rd Dec 2019
We had our final shared PE lesson with our friends from Knockahollet Primary School...
2nd Dec 2019
P3/4 are hard at work preparing for their Christmas Show. Here’s a sneak peek.....    
29th Nov 2019
The hurlers of P6 and P7 had a great day in Cross and Passion College competing in...
27th Nov 2019
Our Shared Peace Proms choir, along with Knockahollet P.S., went to the...