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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena


2019/2020 School Year

29th Oct 2019
We would like to thank Aria's mummy, Serena, for calling into our classroom to read...
29th Oct 2019
We have had a great time getting ready for Hallowe’en in P5/6. On Monday we...
28th Oct 2019
P1 & P2 have had a busy few weeks getting ready for Hallowe'en.  First we...
25th Oct 2019
This morning a boys and a girls team represented St Anne's in the inaugural Cumann...
24th Oct 2019
A huge well done to all our Pupils of the Week. Keep up the good work!  
18th Oct 2019
Congratulations to Loughgiel minor hurlers, especially St Anne's past pupils Conor...
18th Oct 2019
As part of their Maths Week activities, P7 took part in a 'Maths Trail' around our...
17th Oct 2019
P1 and P2 have had a fabulous time celebrating Maths Week. We played lots of interactive...
16th Oct 2019
This week for Maths Week Ireland we have enjoyed lots of different activities. We...
16th Oct 2019
Congratulations to all the pupils of the week.  To celebrate World Credit Union...