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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena


2020/2021 School Year

16th Oct 2020
Well done to our pupils of the week. Keep up the excellent work 😀
16th Oct 2020
The P5&6 boys and girls have been working extremely hard this week finishing...
15th Oct 2020
We are having another busy and enjoyable week in P1/2. Our play this week involved...
15th Oct 2020
As part of our World Around Us topic work we have been learning about animals and...
15th Oct 2020
The creative juices of the boys and girls have been flowing in P1/2 this week as...
15th Oct 2020
Well done to the P5&6 pupils of the week this week. These two girls always work...
15th Oct 2020
P5&6 love being active so Wednesday afternoon is their favourite because they...
14th Oct 2020
Well done to all the P3s and P4s. Everyone worked very hard at home over the last...
14th Oct 2020
We love Maths in P3 and P4 and we were very busy this week celebrating Maths Week. We...
14th Oct 2020
We had great fun playing a variety of games this morning in class to celebrate maths...