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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena


2022/2023 School Year

7th Oct 2022
Here are our amazing P5/6 stars who got their Mathletics certificates this week!!
5th Oct 2022
The wet weather didn’t dampen our spirits for today's Welly Wednesday! We had...
5th Oct 2022
Well done to this week’s pupils of the week. Keep up the amazing work 👍🏼🥳
4th Oct 2022
This week p5&6 have been working super hard on data and shapes!
4th Oct 2022
The P5 and the P6 boys and girls have been learning all about their family trees...
29th Sep 2022
Well done to the boys and girls who received their pupil of the week certificates...
23rd Sep 2022
We’ve had a busy week in P5/6. We played Maths games to help us learn our 3...
21st Sep 2022
P1 and P2 were super excited for our first Welly Wednesday of the year.  We...
21st Sep 2022
A great big well done to all of our pupils of the week. Keep up the fabulous work👍🏼
16th Sep 2022
We have been enjoying practical maths in primary 3, Maths Seeds, GoNoodle for our...