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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena


2023/2024 School Year

12th Apr 2024
Congratulations to our P5/6 pupils who reached their Mathletics targets. Keep...
10th Apr 2024
Well done everyone!  Well done to Sophia who won £5 in the pupil draw! 
27th Mar 2024
A massive well done to all our pupils for bringing in their 10p coins. Altogether...
27th Mar 2024
The Corkey kids had a visit from the Easter bunny!  A lot of lucky kids at...
22nd Mar 2024
The kids of St Anne's were joined today by Allan from 'Wee Critters'!!Allan visited...
21st Mar 2024
P5/6 we’re set the STEM challenge of designing and creating a structure to...
20th Mar 2024
Well done to our fabulous pupils of the week! Also, a huge thank you to everyone...
15th Mar 2024
The Corkey Kids had a great time learning the Waves of Tory as part of our St Patrick’s...
15th Mar 2024
We all turned out in our green today to celebrate St.Patrick’s Day - we even...
15th Mar 2024
P1&2 had an amazing time celebrating St Patrick’s day today in school!We...