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St Anneโ€™s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena


27th Oct 2023
A different type of pumpkin carving for our class today. The children enjoyed moulding...
27th Oct 2023
Well done to the P5/6 pupils who earned 1000 points this week! Fabulous work! 
26th Oct 2023
We have had an amazing time getting ready for Halloween! Today we got to make...
24th Oct 2023
Halloween shape hunt, making Halloween cubes and making Halloween lanterns! We also...
20th Oct 2023
Well done to our super pupils of the week. Keep up the super effort! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ
20th Oct 2023
Well done boys! Keep up the hard work.  
19th Oct 2023
Stars of week โญ๏ธ 
19th Oct 2023
Well done Lucy! Another pupil who done amazing at her dancing Feis at the weekend! What...