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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena


17th Oct 2023
The children in P7 have been working very hard over the past few days completing...
17th Oct 2023
St Anne’s P5&6 pupils were once again very excited to take part in the...
16th Oct 2023
Well done to Sophia who did amazingly well at her Irish dancing Feis last weekend! 
13th Oct 2023
Our P7 pupils began Maths Week Ireland 2023 with an IZAK9 LIVE session, joining hundreds...
13th Oct 2023
P5/6 have really enjoyed using C2K Newsdesk in their Literacy lessons. They searched...
13th Oct 2023
Good luck to Loughgiel U17 and Senior hurlers in their championship finals this weekend! A...
12th Oct 2023
P1&2 were working on their data handling in Numeracy today.The children worked...
12th Oct 2023
Well done to our fabulous pupil Sophia who had the job of taking home our class pumpkin...
11th Oct 2023
The rain certainly didn’t dampen our spirits for Welly Wednesday P1&2 today! The...
11th Oct 2023
We have been learning a lot about the season of autumn in P1&2.  We’ve...