Access Keys:

St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena


11th Oct 2023
Well done to our amazing pupils of the week this week! Keep up the hard work!...
5th Oct 2023
Red faces today in p5&6 during PE! We had PE with a little bit of maths...
5th Oct 2023
Well done to our pupils who got their bronze certificate for Mathletics! A great...
4th Oct 2023
Today we had our first Welly Wednesday.P1&2 got their Welly boots and waterproof...
4th Oct 2023
A massive well done to all of our Pupils of the Week 🌟 Keep up the amazing effort...
29th Sep 2023
The boys and girls in P5/6 really enjoyed using the parachute to play some games...
28th Sep 2023
Super work from our pupils of the week! Keep it up 🥳
27th Sep 2023
Well done to our two amazing boys for getting pupils of the week. These two...
27th Sep 2023
Well done to all the boys and girls in p5&6 for taking part and learning a lot...
27th Sep 2023
Huge well done for all of your hard work 😁 keep going!