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St Anneโ€™s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena


2019/2020 School Year

17th Jun 2020
Katie celebrated her 10th birthday on the 10th of June. Happy Belated Birthday Katie!!!!!...
16th Jun 2020
Primary 3 and 4 have been using their ICT skills to create a fact file. Danny has...
16th Jun 2020
Daniel has had a very busy weekend. He went on an adventure walk through the forest....
15th Jun 2020
A week after Shea’s ‘Something Special’ announcement we have another...
15th Jun 2020
As you can see from the super photos Oisin is a great sportsman. He spent a long...
15th Jun 2020
Cara has got in touch to let me know how she has been getting on. Cara is missing...
15th Jun 2020
Maya has been busy these last few weeks growing her own fruit, vegetables and flowers. Maya...
15th Jun 2020
Fianna has kept very active at home helping out on the farm, cooking, baking and...
15th Jun 2020
Calli has been spending her time in the great outdoors learning about growing...
12th Jun 2020
Jamie has had another very productive week of attending to his many different projects! ...