Access Keys:

St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena


27th Sep 2023
Well done to our P1 winner from last weeks draw 🤩 
22nd Sep 2023
We have had a really busy couple of weeks here in P1&2! We have had lots of...
22nd Sep 2023
Well done girls!  Keep up the good work in class. 
13th Sep 2023
Very well done to the children who worked very hard and especially these two star...
13th Sep 2023
Thank you to all the people who entered - we had a great increase in numbers of envelopes,...
13th Sep 2023
P5 & P6 really enjoy our ‘Show and Tell’ time. 
11th Sep 2023
Primary 3 and 4 have been working hard getting settled into their new classroom and...
7th Sep 2023
Primary 5 and 6 started their show and tell presentations this week. I’ve really...