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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

News - P7

2020/2021 School Year

20th Apr 2021
You will all be aware of the fantastic work being done by St. Anne's Parent Teacher...
14th Apr 2021
Congratulations to our P3 Pupil of the Week!
13th Apr 2021
The boys and girls would just like to thank one of our parents, Frank Donnelly, for...
12th Apr 2021
Congratulations to our primary 4 pupils who made their First Confession before Easter. 
31st Mar 2021
St Anne's children will have green fingers this Easter break after receiving their...
30th Mar 2021
The boys  and girls in P7 had a great time searching for Easter Eggs around...
30th Mar 2021
These boys and girls read the whole way through lock down to smash their AR target! A...
30th Mar 2021
We love reading in P3. These children have been reading their Bug Club books the...
30th Mar 2021
There was great excitement his morning when we went outside and discovered that the...
26th Mar 2021
Continuing with the Mental Wellbeing focus of the past few weeks, St Anne's PTA have...