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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

News - P7

2019/2020 School Year

10th Jun 2020
Oisin and his family have been extremely busy working all the home learning tasks....
9th Jun 2020
Well done to Oisin in P4! This week, primary 3 and 4 were given the challenge of...
3rd Jun 2020
Just a quick reminder that Fr. Patsy has very kindly offered to say a special mass...
2nd Jun 2020
Rose has got in touch to let us know how what she has been getting up to these last...
31st May 2020
We would like to give a special mention to our primary 4 children, Hollie, Oisin,...
19th May 2020
Oisin has been in touch to let us know what he has been up to this week. As you can...
18th May 2020
Rose has written a beautiful letter to let us know what she has been up to these...
18th May 2020
This week Pope Francis invites us all to care for our planet. There are a number...
18th May 2020
Daniel has been working really hard at home these last few weeks.  Daniel has...
18th May 2020
Well done to Maya in P3 who took up The Wonder Gallery challenge to create an 'Extraordinary...