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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

News - P1/2

2019/2020 School Year

30th Jan 2020
A massive well done to all our pupils of the week- keep up the hard work!! 
30th Jan 2020
The P5/6 had a very enjoyable and informative talk this morning with Alan and Eamon...
29th Jan 2020
P1 and P2 had another go at building the houses for the three little pigs during...
29th Jan 2020
As part of Catholic Schools Week we like to celebrate Grandparents’ Day. Our...
27th Jan 2020
Michelle & Lynette from St.Anne’s PTA called in to school today to distribute...
22nd Jan 2020
Welly Wednesday continued this week with the focus on our World Around Us topic ‘Let’s...
22nd Jan 2020
Well done to all our pupils of the week. Keep up the good work 👍🏻
16th Jan 2020
Thumbs up for ‘Welly Wednesday’! We launched ‘Welly Wednesday’...
16th Jan 2020
Well done to our two lads who won the Credit Union Chapter Art Competition. Well...
16th Jan 2020
Look at the great smiles on our Pupils of the Week! Keep the effort going now!!