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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena


2020/2021 School Year

18th Sep 2020
Wishing Miss Lynn and all her teammates the best of luck for their match this weekend...
18th Sep 2020
P1/2 had a brilliant morning enjoying our wonderful outdoor play area in the glorious...
18th Sep 2020
P1/2 had so much fun on our Autumn walk this morning in the beautiful September sunshine....
15th Sep 2020
P3 and 4 have been revising their numbers bonds for homework this week. I am so impressed...
15th Sep 2020
P5/6 are doing some multiplication/division in Maths this week. We played Maths games...
15th Sep 2020
P5/6 enjoyed reading outside in the glorious sunshine this afternoon. 
14th Sep 2020
Today P1 and 2 were working on non-number maths.  Our first topic is sorting...
11th Sep 2020
We had a ‘Red Day’ today, in our usual tradition, as our hurlers and...
11th Sep 2020
Primary 5 and 6 would like to wish all the hurlers and camogs the best of luck in...
11th Sep 2020
Primary 3 and 4 would like to wish all the hurlers and camogiers who are playing...