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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

News - PTA

24th May 2024
A huge thank you to Loughguile Credit Union for sponsoring our purchase of two new...
27th Mar 2024
The Corkey kids had a visit from the Easter bunny!  A lot of lucky kids at...
22nd Mar 2024
The kids of St Anne's were joined today by Allan from 'Wee Critters'!!Allan visited...
20th Dec 2023
Happy Christmas spending to our children's Split the Pot £5 winner for this...
20th Dec 2023
A massive thank you to our PTA and Loughguile Credit Union for the very generous...
20th Dec 2023
All the hard work has been done for this term!! Well done to all the boys and girls-...
9th Dec 2023
A huge thank you to Declan McFadden, Sean Lynn and Seamus McNaughton for giving up...
27th Oct 2023
The Corkey Kids all had a blast and a boogie last night at our PTA Hallowe'en disco....

2022/2023 School Year

7th Jun 2023
#happyspending #savingforasheep 
4th Apr 2023
Our PTA members called up today to deliver a beautiful sweety cone for all our lucky...