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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena
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Active learning in P3 and 4 : D

7th Feb 2024

Primary 3 and 4 have been enjoying some hands on activity based learning this term : ) 

We had a lovely visit from Joe from the RSPCB during the Big Bird Watch! The children really enjoyed making bird feeders to hang outside to attract all the different kind of birds. 

We embraced the cold and took to the outdoors for our throwing and catching PE lessons. 

We completed a STEM experiment for our Safe and Sound topic with cups and string, we have been learning all about how sound travels using vibrations and how sounds can keep us safe! The children are looking forward to a visit from the NI Fire and Rescue Service later on in the month. 

We have begun our ICT tasks as well as our weekly Maths Seeds and Reading Eggs tasks. 

As always, our class have loved their movement breaks - this week we have been using BBC Movers to link our learning in measure and verbs :D