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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

All things Autumn in P1&2 πŸ‚ different signs

12th Oct 2020

We had another very busy day in P1&2 today!

We started off the morning with some Numeracy. We have been learning about data handling and today we learned about Carroll diagrams. We used a Carroll diagram to sort out some pictures to show things that were Autumn leaves and things that were not Autumn leaves.

After break and between the autumn showers we wrapped up warm and went outside on an Autumn walk. We saw lots of different signs on Autumn in the playground. We saw different coloured leaves that had fallen off the trees, some ripe fruits, mushrooms growing in the bark and we saw some blackberries growing on the bushes. We then did some recount writing about the things we saw on our walk. πŸ‚