Internet Safety Day in P1&2 🖥📱
4th Feb 2025
Today we celebrated Safer Internet Day! In P1&2 we started off by having a chat about the different devices we can use to play games or watch videos. We then chatted about the games we like to play when we are online. Next we talked about ‘The Big Picture’ and things that can happen when we are online playing games or watching videos. We discussed ‘pop-ups’ and what they are, we learned about the theme of this years Safer Internet Day ‘Too good to be true’ and we chatted about trusted adults, who they are and why they are so important! We finished off listening to a story about a little girl, we learned about the different feelings she felt when she was worried about something online and who she was able to turn to for some help!
St Anne's Primary School, Reservoir Rd, Corkey, Ballymena BT44 9JE Phone: 028 2764 1429