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St Anneโ€™s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Motivation from P1

16th May 2020

Practice for ‘Virtual Sports Day’ has got off to a flying start for Jamie in P1. Following week one’s timetable Jamie is pictured here mastering the long jump and the sprint! He looks like he’s taking it all very seriously with a definite look of focus and determination! He has really enjoyed preparing for sports day and is loving all the exercise in general. It certainly looks like great fun! He is also pictured enjoying a cycle on his bicycle and having a vigorous workout on his trampoline! 

If you haven't had the chance to sign up yet for 'Healthy Kidz Virtual Sports Day' there's still time... but registration closes on Monday 18th May so don't delay...!!

As usual Jamie has also managed to stay on top of all his home learning. Here we can see him practising his maths and also demonstrating his ‘Bubble Sock,’ one of this week’s play activities ๐Ÿ˜Š

Marvellous and Motivational Work– THANK YOU!