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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Roleplay, Wildlife Projects, Postcards and so much more in P1 πŸ‘

12th Jun 2020

Jamie has had another very productive week of attending to his many different projects!  I have attached some super pictures of what he has been getting up to.  Just look at his FANTASTIC bug hotel which he has cleverly named ‘Bug Club’ πŸ˜ƒ Isn’t it spectacular πŸ‘Œ

I think the bugs in Corkey are going to feel very much at home in their lovely new residence! I can’t wait to build a bug hotel with you P1 when we get back to school πŸ‘

Not only has Jamie been looking after the bugs but he has also been attending to the little birds in Corkey.  Last week he made a bird bath and this week he has added to this by putting some bird feeders in his garden.  All of these fantastic activities have been inspired through his participation in the ‘30 Days Wild Project.’

To help keep track of everything that has been going on during Lockdown Jamie has made a Lockdown Scrap book and has promised to share it with us all when we get back to school. I am very much looking forward to looking through this 😊 What a great idea to keep a scrap book. It'll be a very interesting read, especially in later years when we look back at this very strange period in time. 

As usual Jamie really enjoyed all his home learning this week. His highlights were writing postcards (which he sent to Granny in Larne), going on his wildflower hunt in World Around Us and making roleplay masks from our story Ronald the Rhino.  He also worked very hard on developing his rhyming skills this week in literacy.

Brilliant work Jamie - Thank you for your weekly updates and for all your excellent efforts and inspiring work πŸ‘