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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

P1 - P3 reflect on a very busy and exciting first half term!!

28th Oct 2016

As we look forward to our Halloween Holidays, I would like to take a minute to reflect on all the learning that has taken place during this first Half Term.  We have had a very busy and productive time in all our subjects.  We have had great fun in our World Around Us topic, 'Hey, Hey, Look at Me', learning all about ourselves, our bodies and our senses. Activity and play based learning has been very successful in bringing this topic to life.  We have made and recorded interesting observations on how sound travels through our practical science investigations.  Our topic work connected very closely with our Other Areas of Learning, especially our Handling Data in Maths and in our shared reading and writing activities in Literacy.  We incorporated ICT where-ever possible to enhance our teaching and learning.

We hope you enjoy browsing through some of our photographs, which will hopefully give you a flavour of life inside our P1-3 classroom!!

Happy Halloween everyone and I hope you enjoy your well-earned rest!!

Mrs Marron