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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

P1 and P2 build outside on Welly Wednesday!

22nd Jan 2020

Welly Wednesday continued this week with the focus on our World Around Us topic ‘Let’s Build’. We decided to help the three little pigs build their houses of straw, sticks and brick. We had lots of decisions to make during this project and we loved problem solving, being creative and working together, all skills which develop so naturally in the outdoor learning environment. We also managed to engineer some time for digging the raised beds to get them ready for planting in the springtime. During our digging we disturbed some mini beasts which gave us the idea to build a bug hotel during one of our ‘Welly Wednesday’ ventures. We hope you enjoy looking at our outdoor play adventures today and a big thank you to all the parents who sent in building materials for our three little pigs today 🐷