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P5&6 Mummifying Apples Experiment

1st Jun 2020

At the start of March, P5&6 gathered a variety of different apples, peeled them, weighed them and then covered them in salt. The aim of this experiment was to take the apples out of the salt each week for four weeks, weigh them and observe any changes.

Our apples ended up in salt for longer than we had expected and we didn’t get to finish our experiment. Today, I took the apples out of the salt to see what happened them. Do you notice that they are much smaller than the apples we put in at the start? This is because the salt has taken the water out of them and they shrank. What happens when you leave a peeled apple sitting out? It goes brown. Have you noticed that these apples haven’t gone brown like they would sitting out in air? This is because the salt preserved them. Finally, you’ll not be able to see this one but the apples don’t feel like apples any more, instead of them being hard they’re soft, they feel a bit like marshmallows but I don’t think they’d taste like them!