Peace Proms with Knockahollet P.S.
On Sunday 26th February St Anne's school choir joined forces with our Shared Education partner school choir from Knockahollet P.S. to take part in the Peace Proms concert 2023 in the SSE Arena, Belfast!
It was an early start as we had to board the bus at 9.30am to be in the arena for a rehearsal at 11.00am!! It was well worth it though as the concert was amazing.
All the songs were on the theme of peace and togetherness; the sound of 3000 children's voices singing in harmony with the Cross Border Orchestra of Ireland made the atmosphere electric! The energy of Greg the conductor was infectious- no one could sit still!! The children had a great time as you can see from the pictures and videos- well worth giving up a Sunday for!!
A huge thank you to Miss McFadden and to Bronagh for giving up their time to make this precious opportunity for the Corkey Kids a reality. Thank you to all the parents who made sure the children we up in good time and ready to perform and a special thank you to the children who were a pleasure to work with-as usual!
St Anne's Primary School, Reservoir Rd, Corkey, Ballymena BT44 9JE Phone: 028 2764 1429