Playful Learning in P1/2
We have really been enjoying our Autumn topic in P1/2. We have been exploring capacity by measuring ingredients to make our own play dough. We explored how heat could harden play dough by baking it. We painted the hard play dough to make fruit and vegetables, as we know that farmers are busy in Autumn harvesting crops. We used our soft play dough to make hedgehogs as we have been learning how animals behave in Autumn too. The Autumn Cafe has been bustling with activity in the role play area. We have also really brought our topic together through the Arts and Crafts, which you will see by browsing through our photographs. Reinforcement of our literacy skills has been consolidated through word games and activities. Numeracy skills have also been reinforced through various sorting activities using natural Autumn materials.
St Anne's Primary School, Reservoir Rd, Corkey, Ballymena BT44 9JE Phone: 028 2764 1429