Some Festive Fun in Primary 3 and P4 🎅🏻
It's been a busy month in P3 and 4! Everything from snow to show!
We have been painting some reindeer, learning all about persuasive writing; writing letters to Santa about why we deserve toys, and making posters with the message ‘why we should give at Christmas?’, drawing inspiration from the BFG Christmas advert! We have also been identifying all the properties of 2D and 3D shapes⭐️
Busy busy🎄
We have started out new thematic topic 'Celebrations and Good Times'. We have discussed how we celebrate Christmas and all of our family and school traditions!
All along with lots of rehearsing for our Brand new Christmas nativity show ‘SUPERSTAR’ with P5,6+7🤗
In between all of this hard work we have managed to get some much needed movement breaks squeezed in!
As you can see we have a very special visitor ELFIE! He is back with all his tricks and naughtiness!!
St Anne's Primary School, Reservoir Rd, Corkey, Ballymena BT44 9JE Phone: 028 2764 1429