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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Something New in P1&2 πŸ˜„

13th Sep 2024
This week we started our ‘Soft Start Mornings’ in P1&2. Instead of starting our day with mindfulness colouring we are now easing into the day with our ‘Morning Boxes’. There were five different activities to try out this week and each day the tables had a new box to get creative with. It was great to see the boys and girls working together and letting their imaginations flow. The children made jewellery, rocket ships, scooters and much more!! All of the activities were great for developing Fine Motor Skills and children even explored some mathematical concepts like patterns and length! Our morning boxes were a big hit with P1&2, we’re looking forward to seeing what next week’s boxes will be πŸ˜ƒ