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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

STEM Shared Education with Knockahollet : )

30th Mar 2023

From Home🏚 to Space🚀

Primary 3 and 4 from both schools had a ‘blast’ this week, taking part in STEM Shared Education projects on each others World Around Us topics 😀

On Tuesday, we got hands on building the Three Little Pigs' houses from lots of different materials⏲ The children made some impressive homes including the finest of details, we even had a fire pit and a hot tub! Of course the strongest house was the house made of blocks💪 Lasting the hairdryer - oh sorry should I say wolf 🐺 the longest time. 

On Wednesday, we thoroughly enjoyed making rockets 🧨 ready to be blasted as far as possible🔢 Excellent results from all the rockets🤗

We made some great friendships during all this hard work and look forward to working with Knockahollet again soon☺️