Woody- Our Hero!!
Dominic 'Woody' McKinley brought the number 12 jersey he wore in Loughgiel Shamrocks first All Ireland championship win for the Corkey Kids to see, 40 years on from that breakthrough for Antrim hurling. The children loved getting to try on a piece of history and were amazed at how heavy it was compared to the modern jersey!
Hopefully some of these girls and boys will develop the same love for the game which Woody obviously has, passing on his skills and experience with enthusiasm, week in week out.
Best of luck to Mrs O'Hara as she and her teammates take on Dicksboro in the All Ireland camogie championship semi final. Hopefully we will see more champion jerseys in St Anne's Hall soon!
St Anne's Primary School, Reservoir Rd, Corkey, Ballymena BT44 9JE Phone: 028 2764 1429