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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena


2020/2021 School Year

28th Aug 2020
We were delighted to welcome our fabulous new P.1 boys and girls to St. Anne’s...

2019/2020 School Year

26th Jun 2020
Liam in P6 has been finding lots of ways to keep himself busy throughout the lockdown....
25th Jun 2020
It was lovely to see our P7s in our Virtual Assembly on Teams today, here’s...
23rd Jun 2020
Katie was keen to reach her AR target over the weekend. Her mummy came up with a...
23rd Jun 2020
I received a lovely message from Izzi's family this morning sending lots of best...
22nd Jun 2020
Danny, Rose and Maria held their own sports day at home. To share how they got on,...
21st Jun 2020
The Summer Reading Challenge 2020 Go to to...
19th Jun 2020
This week, Rose in P6 went on a walk up a mountain with her family. She documented...
19th Jun 2020
Jamie in P1 has had another very successful and enjoyable week and shows no signs...
17th Jun 2020
Primary 3 and 4 have been working hard on a Fact File over these last few weeks. Oisin...