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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena


2019/2020 School Year

23rd Apr 2020
Lucy-Kate has been working away on her fractions and Tables at home with mum. Lots...
23rd Apr 2020
Noah got in touch this afternoon to let me know how he's getting on.  I'm delighted...
23rd Apr 2020
I was delighted to receive this video from Jamie in P1 - I thinks it's safe to say...
23rd Apr 2020
P5 & 6 pupils worked really hard to produce a piece of recount writing this week...
23rd Apr 2020
It's great to see how active the boys and girls have been while staying at home....
22nd Apr 2020
Thank you to everyone who has been in contact recently. It is lovely to hear what...
22nd Apr 2020
Life may have slowed down for many of us but I'm hearing life on the farm has never...
21st Apr 2020
I think P5&6 pupils are definitely the hardest workers in Corkey. 😄 This is...
21st Apr 2020
Check out the photos below of Sarah showing her new-found baking skills- those buns...
21st Apr 2020
P1 and P2 have been getting in touch to let us know how they're adapting to 'staying...