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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena


2019/2020 School Year

14th Feb 2020
Our mindfulness programme continues this week with Fresh Little Minds, focussing...
14th Feb 2020
Our P7 pupils had a great time in Maths this week (really!!) using our IZAK 9 cubes...
12th Feb 2020
We had Mother Nature to thank for this week’s wonderful Welly Wednesday. The...
12th Feb 2020
As part of our Let’s Build topic P1 & 2 have been looking at electricity....
12th Feb 2020
We have been learning about measuring in our non number maths. We used balance scales...
12th Feb 2020
Primary 3,4 and 7 enjoyed break time outside in the snow. We had a snowman competition!
12th Feb 2020
Our Art Clubbers were making some special Valentine's Day cards and gifts for loved...
11th Feb 2020
To celebrate Safer Internet Day, all the pupils at St. Anne’s took part in...
11th Feb 2020
P1 and P2 had an unexpected visitor on Welly Wednesday this week. As part of our...