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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena


2018/2019 School Year

30th Oct 2018
The Primary 4&5 children proudly showing of their art work for Loughguile Credit...
30th Oct 2018
The children had the opportunity to take part in an after schools art club with Michelle...
26th Oct 2018
P2/3 had fun with their sunflower competition, some even grew over 2 meters. Well...
25th Oct 2018
Some super Pupils of the Week, well done to all and keep up the hard work!
24th Oct 2018
P4/5 enjoying another day swimming at Joey Dunlop Centre.
24th Oct 2018
P2/3 having lots of fun getting ready for Hallowe'en.
19th Oct 2018
Pupils of the week - 19th October 2018. Well done to our pupils of the week, who...
12th Oct 2018
Well done everyone, some boys and girls really pushing themselves this week! hopefully...
12th Oct 2018
The governors, staff and pupils of St.Anne’s wished Christine a very happy...