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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena


2016/2017 School Year

31st Mar 2017
Congratulations to all of our pupils of the week.
31st Mar 2017
Today we bid farewell to Miss Lynn who has just completed her 10 week teaching practice...
31st Mar 2017
A huge well done to all the p4/5's, their parents and grandparents. We had a wonderful...
23rd Mar 2017
Some of the children from St. Anne's having a great time learning about rhythm and...
17th Mar 2017
To celebrate the feast day of our national saint, the children of St Anne's dressed...
28th Feb 2017
The P5 children from Knockahollet and St Anne's enjoyed a fantastic day together...
10th Feb 2017
All the children from St Anne's have been taking part in music lessons with Mr Black...
10th Feb 2017
Well done to our pupils of the week, keep up the good work now!
10th Feb 2017
Primary 6 and Primary 7 have been studying the pop art style of American artist...
10th Feb 2017
P4/5 have been having Fun with Fractions. We have enjoyed cutting our snacks...