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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena


2015/2016 School Year

27th Oct 2015
P6 and 7 have been getting into the Hallowe'en mood. They made up their own Hallowe'en...
27th Oct 2015
Our pupils entered the art competition at Loughgiel Credit Union. They drew a picture...
26th Oct 2015
We use the Accelerated Reading Programme for individual reading.  We really...
26th Oct 2015
Rachele Glendinning , Safety Officer with NIE, visited our Key Stage 2 classes...
26th Oct 2015
Our P4 and P5 class go swimming every week to the Joey Dunlop Leisure Centre...
25th Oct 2015
Our P1s and P2s took advantage of the recent sunny weather to enjoy some Outdoor...
23rd Oct 2015
We had a fantastic Hallowe'en disco at St. Anne's on Friday 23rd October. We raised...