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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena


19th Jun 2024
Our super P5&6 class enjoyed an amazing trip to the Jet Centre on Wednesday the...
17th Jun 2024
Well done to our superstar pupils of the week. Keep up the great work πŸ₯³
17th Jun 2024
A huge well done to our P7 pupils who participated in the cycling proficiency scheme...
14th Jun 2024
Thanks to Izzi for telling us all about her recent trip to Knock. We had a great...
14th Jun 2024
Another successful week for P5/6 ‘Table of the Week’. Well done everyone!...
13th Jun 2024
Our children enjoyed a fantastic Sports Day on Wednesday, cheered on all the way...
12th Jun 2024
St Anne's P5-6 class put on their thinking caps on Tuesday for the quiz as part of...
12th Jun 2024
With perfect weather conditions P1 and 2 set sail for Carnfunnock Country Park on...
10th Jun 2024
The Corkey kids certainly enjoyed the start of Cumann an mBunscol Week with a 'Saffron...