Access Keys:

St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena


31st May 2024
Our P7s had a great introduction to tag rugby today, led by Bryan Young, of Dalriada...
24th May 2024
A huge thank you to Loughguile Credit Union for sponsoring our purchase of two new...
24th May 2024
Congratulations to our ‘Table of the Week’ this week! Keep up the great...
23rd May 2024
Our final day of our trip to Carlingford was rounded off in exciting fashion with...
22nd May 2024
Day 2 of our Carlingford trip was even better than Day 1, if that’s even possible!...
21st May 2024
Our P7s had a fantastic first day in Carlingford with our friends from Knockahollet!...
17th May 2024
Our new topic in P1&2 is How Does your Garden Grow?We have learned all about...
17th May 2024
The sun was shining in Pearse Pairc, Dunloy, for the annual North Antrim Cumann na...
17th May 2024
Well done to Noah’s soccer team who are the Lisburn Castlereagh Junior League...