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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena


2021/2022 School Year

24th Jun 2022
Congratulations to the P5s and P6s who received Pupil of the Week this week and to...
22nd Jun 2022
St Anne’s P7 class have returned to Carlingford Adventure Centre for our annual...
22nd Jun 2022
Well done to our pupils of the week. Keep up the brilliant work πŸŽ‰
21st Jun 2022
P3/4 went to the Jet Centre today for their End of Year trip. They had lots of fun...
21st Jun 2022
A massive congratulations to Jamie in P3, the U7 Maths Week winner for ‘Maths...
16th Jun 2022
Congratulations to our P3 & P4 ‘Pupils of the Week’. Well done and...
15th Jun 2022
Now that I have come back down to earth again (just about!) I wanted to express my...
15th Jun 2022
Well done to both our pupils of the week. Keep up the excellent work boys 😊