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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena


2020/2021 School Year

11th Sep 2020
The boys and girls in P1/2 wish all our hurlers and Camogs lots of luck in their...
9th Sep 2020
p5/6 have been very busy this week so far. We love doing the Daily Mile each day...
8th Sep 2020
Finally after a long wait, the p5s have got to make their holy communion. I think...
7th Sep 2020
P3 and P4 have been working very hard on their protraits. They are nearly ready for...
4th Sep 2020
We had a great end to a very successful week in P1 and P2. We rewarded ourselves...
4th Sep 2020
A huge welcome back to our wonderful P5 and P6 class. This week we have had loads...
3rd Sep 2020
We have had a very busy first week at school in P1 and P2. We have had lots of fun...
31st Aug 2020
A huge welcome back to our Primary 3 and Primary 4 boys and girls. We had a lovely...