St. Anne's Board of Governors
Autumn 2024.
Chairperon & Trustee- Mrs Majella Murray
Vice Chair & EA Rep. - Mrs Marleis Quinn
Secretary - Mr Duffin (Principal)
Trustees - Father Mulholland, Mr Frank Casey, Mr Nigel McCollum.
Governor for Safeguarding & Child Protection - Mrs Patricia McAuley
EA Rep. - Mrs Claire Kelly
Parent Rep. - Mrs Amanda Forsythe
Teacher Rep. - Mrs Maria O'Hara
Meet the Staff...
Principal, Deputy Designated Teacher for Safeguarding & Child Protection and P7 teacher
Designated Teacher for Safeguarding & Child Protection.
P5/6 teacher
P7 teacher (p/t)
P1/2 Class Teacher
P3/4 Teacher
P1/2 classroom assistant
SEN Classroom Assistant
SEN classroom assistant
Classroom Support Assistant
Support staff
Part-time Secretary
Trustee, Board of Governors
St Anne's Primary School, Reservoir Rd, Corkey, Ballymena BT44 9JE Phone: 028 2764 1429