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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Home Learning Archive 22/23

Thu 10th November 2022

Good evening everyone,

Please find your ideas for homework reinforcement below:


PHONICS:  See worksheet in your child's bag for reinforcement of letter sounds   

READING - See new reading book in your child's bag. Introducing books with words - ask your child to point at the words on each page and use the picture to predict the word.  It is important to keep reading books in bag so we can re-new them daily.


NUMBER 4 - please see worksheet in your child's bag to reinforce concepts covered in school

CUISENAIRE RODS - Please continue activities listed for rods at the start of the week.  Begin to recognise rod values up to 4.  e.g. white = 1 / red = 2 / light green = 3 and pink = 4. Also build wall of 4

Grow in Love

Please complete pg.15 in Grow in Love Book, ‘We can care for the world’


-This week’s Thursday note is in your child’s bag

-To mark the start of Anti-Bullying week next week, we will be celebrating Odd Sock Day on Monday 14th November. Please see Thursday note for details

-Remember Golden Time toy for tomorrow

Have a lovely evening 😊

Many thanks,

Miss Lynn