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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Home Learning Archive 22/23

Mon 14th November 2022

Good afternoon,

I hope everyone is keeping well.

Please see below for home reinforcement:


JOLLY PHONICS - Reinforcement of letter sound ‘n’ taught at school today:

Look at sound worksheet for ‘n’ found in your Jolly Phonics book in your child’s bag - colour the sound sheet and practise writing 'n' on opposite page.

Do the action for ‘n’ with your child and help your child learn this sound.

Think of things / names beginning with this sound

Play ‘I Spy’ with items beginning with this sound.

JOLLY PHONICS GAMES Your child has a game in their bag tonight to consolidate sounds so far.  It will be a Pairs or Lotto game.  Please play this to consolidate phase 1 sounds


CUISENAIRE RODS:Please see attached document for activities to complete with rods.


We are beginning books with short repetitive sentences. Use these books to demonstrate how we point at the words as we read to track the text. Use the repetition to predict the text.  Also use the pictures to predict the text.  Discuss the story.  Talk about the ‘words’ on each page.  Count the words on each page.  Point at the first word.  Point at the last word on the page.  Point at the full stop. Please keep books in bag so we can renew daily! 

I have also attached 'Prompts for Reading.'  Use these prompts to help enrich reading time with your child.

Thank you and enjoy your evening.     

Miss Lynn

Cuisenaire Rods.doc Download
Prompts for Reading.docx Download