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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Home Learning Archive 22/23

Thu 24th November 2022

Hello everyone,

Please find your ideas for homework reinforcement below:


PHONICS:  See worksheet in your child's bag for reinforcement of letter sound kicking ‘k’

READING - See reading book in your child's bag. Continue to practise early reading skills suggested yesterday. Also, revisit 'Look' Book nightly.  Point at words as you read books.  Count words on each page and point at first / last word etc.


See enclosed worksheet on counting pennies on bag

Online Homework We are beginning to look at 2D shape in our Maths lessons. You could play this online game to help learn the names and features of 2D shape.


-This week’s Thursday note is in your child’s bag

-Remember Golden Time toy for tomorrow

Many thanks,

Miss Lynn