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St Anne’s Primary School, 3 Rockend, Corkey, Ballymena

Home Learning Archive 22/23

Tue 29th November 2022

Hello everyone,

Please keep working on activities shared yesterday.



Sound sorting w/s in bag

Keep practising sounds, songs and actions (up to ‘e’)


‘Here’ reading book in bag.

When reading 'Here' this week please continue to ask your child to track the text with their finger as they read.  


  • This week we are continuing with money. Look at coins with your child.  Let them touch them, talk about them, find the number on them and sort /play with them. Ask your child to count out different amounts up to 10p, using pennies.

Visit the following site and play 'Toy Shop' (we have played this at school) - select 'one coin' and then select '1p up to 10p' tab for P1 level

  • CUISENAIRE RODS- Continue the Train Game from last week to help you learn value of the rods, e.g. yellow rod is 5.
  • Continue to consolidate numbers 1-5. Let children practise counting out 1 - 5 items, finding number 1-5, forming numerals 1- 5 and ordering number cards 1-5. This will give children more opportunities to correct any number reversals and build confidence with numbers 1-5.


-Please send in a Santa / Christmas hat on Friday for our Santa Daily Mile!

Many thanks.

Miss Lynn